If you are planning to file or going through a divorce, you should know that money matters will form a big part of your discussions. Here are some financial mistakes you shouldn't make during these negotiations:
Don't Confuse Equitable With Equal
Some people approach asset division with equality expectations; they expect the court to divide their marital assets equally. However, equal division of property is not what the court strives for during a divorce; equitable distribution of property is what matters.
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When things go wrong enough for a couple to consider a divorce, you may automatically dwell on not just fault, but other emotional aspects of the situation. Surprisingly, fault is not just an urge to assign blame but a legal concept, at least in some states. If you live in one of the many states that allow fault, or grounds, to be a part of your divorce, it pays to understand what you might be dealing with.
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Most people who own pets consider themselves to be the guardians of their furry friends, but occasionally they can cause complications in our lives. One such time is when you are attempting to rent an apartment and need to deal the various legal issues that can arise from finding a new place to live for you and your pet. This article examines some of the key legal considerations that could come into play.
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When things get tense during your divorce, and you've begun to suspect that your spouse may try to take your children, you must act quickly and assertively to prevent that. Even if the divorce has not been decided upon yet there are legal actions that can be taken that might prevent you from losing the opportunity to have the court decide custody. Read on for some help with this emotional and critical matter.
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If you have been accused of negligence that resulted in a personal injury, the first thing you should do is hire a competent attorney to represent you in court. The second thing you should do is remember that proving you've been negligent is not as easy as it may seem. To do so, your accuser must prove four things.
1. You had a duty to them.
To begin demonstrating that you were negligent, the prosecutor must first demonstrate that you had a duty to provide them with some level of protection.
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