Being a garbage collector is a physically demanding job that puts you at risk of an injury virtually every time you stop the truck and pick up a can or bag of trash. If the garbage you pick up is unexpectedly heavy, you could strain your back. If the bag were to contain something sharp, it could cut you as it passes by your body. Either type of injury can keep you away from work for an extended period of time.
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You experienced a minor injury on an arm or leg that you had to go to a hospital to manage. However, you somehow walked out of the facility without that limb due to an infection. This situation is very likely the doctor's fault and you need to seriously consider a personal injury lawsuit against them.
Improper Treatment May Lead to Limb Loss
It may seem nearly impossible for some people to imagine a scenario in which they lose a limb, but it happens all the time.
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A person that has reached an advanced age will have a number of legal needs and challenges that they will have to face. This can put them at a disadvantage if they are being misled by a handful of particularly misleading elder law misconceptions.
Myth: There Are No Repercussions For Negligent Or Abusive Care Facilities
A leading concern for elderly individuals will be the quality of the care facility that they choose to use.
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If you are facing the possibility of a foreclosure on your home, you need an attorney to help you navigate the process. The following are some reasons why a foreclosure attorney is necessary:
An Attorney Will Help You Better Understand the Timeline of Events
A foreclosure begins officially when the mortgage company or financial institution files a lawsuit against you and serves you with a summons. When you receive a summons, you have to respond to the complaint by a specific deadline determined by your state.
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Do you believe you were turned down for employment or treated differently because of your age? Unfortunately, age discrimination is a very real thing. There are some employers that believe people of a certain age cannot perform adequately enough and cannot take on the kinds of tasks that the younger generation can take on while at the workplace. However, this is not true by any means. Despite your older age, you may still be perfectly capable of performing just as well as the rest of the people that work for the company, which is why you should immediately take action.
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