Can You Earn Income While On Social Security?

If you are unable to work at your job because of a medical condition, you may be approved to earn a monthly benefit from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Once you manage to get through the lengthy and complicated application process, you may be surprised to learn that your benefit amount is not enough to replace the salary from your most recent job. Most people have to earn more income to make ends meet, but the SSA places some limits on that amount. Read More 

Get A Divorce Lawyer

When you are going through a divorce you are not going to be in a state of mind to take care of legal matters. It is going to be very important that you get the legal representation that you need and deserve. There are many people that decide that they just want to get it over with as soon as possible so they can move on. However, if you decide that you just want it over as soon as possible you may not end up being able to walk away because you may be stuck with financial obligations to your former spouse. Read More 

Here’s What You’ll Need To Know About Workers Comp For Work-Related Depression Or Anxiety

Contrary to popular belief, physical injuries aren't the only way to qualify for workers compensation benefits. Workers comp is designed to cover a broad array of injuries that occur in the workplace, including those that aren't of a physical nature. The following goes in-depth about workplace-related depression and the issues that could affect your workers compensation claim. Depression Stemming from Physical Injury It's not unusual for a severe physical work injury and subsequent loss of employment to set the stage for chronic depression. Read More 

Going To Trial After A Car Accident: Frequently Asked Questions

From phoning the authorities to gathering evidence and speaking with your insurance company, you've taken all the necessary steps to protect yourself after an automobile accident. Unfortunately, even if you perform all the right steps and try to work out a reasonable settlement with the other driver, there is still a chance they will take you to court. If you are facing a future automobile accident trial, here are a few questions you might have about what's next: Read More 

How The Classification Of Your Debts Affects Your Bankruptcy Case

The way your bankruptcy case works out will be greatly affected by the types of debts you have, and bankruptcy uses two main classifications for debts. These are priority debts and nonpriority debts, and understanding how these work can help you choose the right branch of bankruptcy to file. What Are Priority Debts? Bankruptcy courts view debts as either priority debts or nonpriority debts, and the whole purpose of this is to determine which debts you must repay. Read More