How To Handle A Personal Injury Claim Denial
A personal injury claim can be denied for a wide range of reasons. If you filed a claim and were turned down, consult with a personal injury attorney. An attorney will correspond with the insurance company, plus will represent you if you decide to pursue a lawsuit.
The Claims Process
An insurance adjuster works on behalf of the insurance company that hired them. They are responsible for investigating a claim. An insurance company makes profits off of the premiums they collect from their customers. Their intention is to validate each and every claim. An insurance company will attempt to avoid payouts whenever possible.
If there are any discrepancies in the claim, a denial is issued. A denial could be due to a small reason, such as failing to fill out the claim paperwork properly. A claim could also be issued if a claimant did not document an injury the proper way. If there is a lack of medical proof that an injury occurred as a direct result of an accident, the claim will likely be denied.
Because the paperwork that you receive may not specify the exact reason for the denial, you should seek legal assistance with the denial. An attorney will have the means to discover why you were denied.
The Legal Process
The attorney you hire will review the letter that you received from the insurance company. They will also review all of the paperwork associated with your medical condition. Then, they will contact the insurance company and request a reason for the claim denial.
The insurance company may issue a letter that will outline why you were denied. This information will help your attorney determine the best course to remedy the situation. If the paperwork that you initially filed wasn't completed properly, your attorney will help you fill out an updated application.
Additional Support For Your Case
If the insurance company denied you because you failed to provide sufficient medical evidence of your injury, your attorney will help you compile the evidence you need. They may advise you to consult with your doctor. You may need to make a follow-up medical appointment.
This appointment will reveal how extensive your injury is. You may need to continue seeing your doctor on a routine basis. Proving that you require ongoing medical care could help your case. The denial can be overturned, once you have proven that your injury is substantial and that you will continue to require care on a recurring basis.
Contact a local personal injury lawyer to learn more.