How A Construction Attorney Can Help You When You Hire A Contractor
If you are planning on hiring a contractor to build a home, renovate your existing home, build a commercial structure, or do just about anything else for you, then you might want to work with a construction lawyer. It might not really seem necessary to get a lawyer involved when you are working with a contractor directly, particularly if your project seems fairly straightforward and if you have chosen a contractor who you think you can trust to do a good job. However, a construction attorney can help you when you hire a contractor in the following ways, so you should at least consider the benefits of seeking legal representation.
Reading Over the Contract
In many cases, you will be required to sign a contract with the contractor who will be working on your project. This is often done to protect both the customer and the contractor. The contract should list things like when the project is expected to be completed, what the contractor is going to be doing when fulfilling your project, what you will be charged for the project, and when and how you are supposed to pay.
Of course, it is smart for you to read this contract over yourself. After all, you'll want to be fully familiar with what you are signing and what you should expect from each aspect of your construction project. However, it's not a bad idea to hire a construction lawyer to look over the contract, too. Then, you can make sure that it's fair and legal for both parties, and you can get answers to any questions that you might have about the contract before you actually sign it.
Helping You if They Don't Abide By the Contract
Hopefully, if you hire a reputable construction company, then you don't have to worry about them not abiding by the contract that the two of you have signed. This means that they should get the project done in a timely manner, based on the estimated date of completion that might have been listed in the contract. It also means that you shouldn't be charged a higher price than what you were originally quoted and what was originally listed in your contract.
Many people hire contractors who follow the contract just as they are supposed to. However, in some cases, contractors don't complete the work, don't get the work done on time, charge higher prices for the work, or otherwise violate their contracts. If any of these things happen to you, a construction lawyer can help you take action.